Can’t Find Enough Employees?

I can’t find enough employees in this job market. How can I grow if I can’t find employees?​

First, find out why they are leaving.

Finding employees can be challenging, especially if you don’t know why you’re losing them. The use of free Google Forms can help. The amount of small businesses that don’t know why an employee left the company eclipses the number of companies that work to find out why. If your company doesn’t know why an employee left, how do you expect to know what changes to make that will bolster employee retention?

Often the necessary changes to keep employees are minor, and they are certainly far less expensive than losing a valuable employee and having to train a replacement.

But you can’t fix what you don’t know.

Google Forms is a FREE and simple solution to learn what drives employee losses. Yes, free.

With Forms, it is as simple as creating a survey with relevant questions and asking for suggestions as to why the exiting employee is leaving or what changes they think could help the company better retain employees.

A simple and free solution will save you the tremendous costs of employee loss. During this time, when finding and retaining employees is one of the greatest challenges every company faces, learning what you don’t know about your employees’ sentiments is crucial to your survival.

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