Can’t Find Enough Employees
I can’t find enough employees in this job market. How can I grow if I can’t find employees?
First, find out why they are leaving.
Finding employees can be challenging, especially if you don’t know why you’re losing them. The use of free Google Forms can help. The amount of small businesses that don’t know why an employee left the company eclipses the number of companies that work to find out why. If your company doesn’t know why an employee left, how do you expect to know what changes to make that will bolster employee retention?
Often the necessary changes to keep employees are minor, and they are certainly far less expensive than losing a valuable employee and having to train a replacement.
But you can’t fix what you don’t know.
Google Forms is a FREE and simple solution to learn what drives employee losses. Yes, free.
With Forms, it is as simple as creating a survey with relevant questions and asking for suggestions as to why the exiting employee is leaving or what changes they think could help the company better retain employees.
A simple and free solution will save you the tremendous costs of employee loss. During this time, when finding and retaining employees is one of the greatest challenges every company faces, learning what you don’t know about your employees’ sentiments is crucial to your survival.
Connecting with the right job candidates is difficult. Is there a way to find suitable candidates without paying job boards only to get a lot of junk resumes?
There are excellent FREE online resources to attract qualified employees. You’ll get the resumes that matter by sharing a glimpse of your workplace culture, company values, and work environment.
Many companies list their calls for applications on the front page of their websites. Your company site is a great place to start. If someone in the industry is looking for a new position, they will often stop by your website.
Another option is your Google Places listing, the listing for your business shown on the right side of a Google search. If potential employees search under general terms, like “Jobs Granite Companies,” your Places listing might prompt them to look at the company photos, customer reviews, location, and description. Make sure to have pictures of the staff working together as a team.
LinkedIn posts cost you nothing. Post pictures of your team and discuss company values and employee satisfaction. Let people know you’re hiring.
Even better, LinkedIn job postings are free, and LinkedIn is becoming the dominant place for people to look for quality jobs, supplanting the paid job boards.
Your Facebook page is another excellent, free source. Not only do potential employees want to see a fantastic culture, but so do the potential customers that check out your page. Create a post similar to your LinkedIn posts and ask people to share it.
Facebook Marketplace has an employment section that is also FREE! Don’t neglect to use this incredible resource to tell the world you’re hiring.
We work hard to make this a great place to work. How can we tell job candidates that it’s great to work here?
Your employees are the best marketers when advertising your excellent company culture.
It’s one thing when you tell the world your company focuses on creating great company culture; it’s another when the employees make that statement where potential new hires will see it.
Here’s another FREE online resource to do just that. Glassdoor is the premier website for employees to review their past and current employers, and it does get eyeballs. People looking for jobs look at Glassdoor employee reviews to ascertain if a company fits them.
You take great care of your employees, so ask them to post a review on Glassdoor.
We are growing quickly and need to hire multiple positions right now. What’s the best way to find multiple employees?
Facebook advertising is an outstanding way to find the right people, at the right time. It’s inexpensive and targets the best candidates.
To really grab attention, Facebook paid advertising is inexpensive and can be “micro-targeted.” Micro-targeting allows you to specify who sees your ads by drilling down to things like interests, demographics, locations, and current professions.
A slide show ad with pictures and descriptions of benefits and culture will be sent to the people best fit for your industry.
I’d love to advertise my job openings to people in a specific area of town where many fabricators work. Is that possible?
It is possible and not commonly known, making it a competitive advantage.
Did you know you can narrow your advertisements down to neighborhoods, blocks, or specific addresses? Geofencing can be very effective. Show your ads only in that geographic area and get their attention.
Nothing is more effective than going straight to those with the exact skills you need.
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