In our journey with Stone Fabricators, we’ve uncovered surprising truths: close rates typically hover around 30%, 40% of sales calls go unanswered, and most sales teams are in the dark on how to close deals. The struggle extends to juggling texts, emails, and phone calls, lacking a true CRM that connects to platforms like Moraware, StoneApp, ActionFlow, or Stone Profits. This fragmented approach leaves the industry navigating without a compass.
where your close rates skyrocket to 70%, your pipeline is full and every single sales call is promptly answered or responded too. Picture your Sales Team knowing exactly what to do and you getting a report every monday morning of how well your team is doing as well as how to make them better. This isn’t just hopeful thinking; it’s the culmination of years of Grand Onyx’s dedicated innovation to solve the unique challenges stone fabricators face. With our systems and tailor-made training, your team is propelled forward, transforming missed opportunities into sales, all with minimal input required from you.