Customer Experience Is King: How to Make Yours Memorable
With any business, the cardinal rule is that the customer is always right. This adage is especially true in the stone fabrication industry, where customers want a high-quality product and an exceptional experience to match. The first interaction with the customer is crucial, so making a good impression from the get-go is critical. If you […]
How to Cement Your Stone Fabricator Brand
Your stone fabricator brand is the culmination of everything your company does. Installations, customer service, marketing, production efficiency, and sales contribute to brand value. A brand pulls all aspects of your business together and fosters customer price perception, trust, and even employee satisfaction. If you take a few minutes to write down the words you […]
Importance of Building a Community Brand in the Stone Fabricator Industry
Your marketing is strong, the website looks great, your salespeople are good at bringing in new deals, and you deliver an excellent product, but there is still one more piece to consider. A successful local business takes itself from being a building with a sign to building a community around its brand. Consumers care about […]
Marketing Strategy 101: 6 Steps Stone Fabricators Can Take to Solidify Their Brand in 2023
2023 is almost here, and you’re probably already considering how you want to start the busy January sales period. The most important part of your strategy going into the New Year should be marketing. Naturally, sales drive the rest of the business, and getting leads in the door is necessary for sales success. Why is […]